Capricorn Coast Touch Association Inc was formed in 2004 and originally played on two fields at Cooee Bay behind the pool complex. The need for more fields saw the Association move to the lower three soccer fields at Apex Park and then finally to the Barmaryee Multi Sports Complex, in 2014, where we currently have 4 playing fields.
Cap. Coast Touch has a dedicated group of volunteers as our Committee:
President: Chris Hermann
Vice President: Glen Stack
Secretary: Allanah Stafford
Treasurer: Pamela Stack
Registrar: Sandi O'Brien
Publicity Officer: Tanya Herrmann
Referee Coordinator: Kalem Pacey
General Committee:
Gill Campbell, Emma Chambers, Trent Geering, Kath King, Lisa List, Lisa McDonald, Dennis Ogden, Lucie Page, Josh Pullen, Graham Pye, Sonia Steyn & Esther Warcon.
Derek Graham - 2009
Eric Clamp - 2014
Sandi O'Brien - 2017
Sonia Steyn - 2019